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Physical Comedy and Clown with Mick Holsbeke

By April 17, 2019October 26th, 2023Specialty Classes

Ever since we were able to stand, we were able to fall, and humans love to laugh at someone who stumbles, trips, bobbles, bumps into, gets hit by or struggles with problems that should be easily avoidable, or otherwise simple to solve. Following in the traditions of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Red Skelton, the internationally renowned clown, Mick Holsbeke, will guide students through an introduction to the foundations of Physical Comedy and Clowning, giving participants a broad range of experience in these complex art forms. Participants will learn how to execute classic one-shot gags, and pratfalls safely, plus how to build endless combinations of slapstick shortcomings. Participants will also explore elements of presence, play, improv, timing, tension, rhythm, focus, emotional endurance, physical precision, character development, working with a partner, and status, in order to gently approach the elusive state of Clown.