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Corporate Training & Entertainment

[UP’s] Improv team-building experience brought our team closer, was extremely useful and fun. The class was aligned to our objectives and in a fun setting. It fostered lots of fun ideas and was really enjoyable.
Lisa Ginther Huh, Microsoft

Along with our extensive range of improv classes open to the public, we also offer virtual corporate improv training and entertainment that will help your team bond and laugh using the principles of improv.

We bring levity to standard online business meetings and we help connect your staff (even virtually!).

We also know how to help you celebrate right! Reward your team, board, office, class, with a unique and hilarious personalized improv comedy experience.  We can set up basically anywhere your event is, whether its a birthday, holiday party, awards night, graduation or any other celebration. And we make it customizable to your company or group.

If you have another idea or need for your specific team, talk to us and we can adapt what we do to suit your needs.

If interested contact us at

“A fabulous time was had by all and we would highly recommend Unexpected Productions to provide a unique entertainment experience for your next event.”

Kim Aue, AUE Engineering

What We Do

Connection is a huge part of what we teach. All of our improv games and exercises utilize the concept of “Yes, And”, strengthening listening and taking care of your “scene partner”.  The atmosphere created for the team building is playful, supportive, positive and nonjudgemental. Very simple exchanges are thought provoking, freeing and fun.

Improv's Value from the Experts

At Unexpected Productions we believe in the positive benefits improv has for teams in the corporate world.  Here are what the experts say:

“Once you get good at [improv], you’ll find it’s invaluable training for leadership.”

  • Doug Sundheim Forbes Four Lessons Leaders Can Learn from Improv Right Now May 21, 2020

“improv offers us a safe space to play well with others, go with the flow, and take a break from overanalyzing”

  • Clay Drinko Ph.D. Psychology Today Improv Boosts Creativity and Psychological Well-Being May 18, 2020

“Improv lets go of the belief that you have to get somewhere really creative right away. Embracing small steps will get you somewhere really fantastical. When you apply that to entrepreneurship or starting new businesses or building new products, it’s really the same thing.”

  • Charity Ferreira Stanford Magazine 8 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Improv November 12, 2019

“By improving everyone’ improvisational capabilities, we can all become better marketers, teammates, leaders and humans. [Improv] might just be the next big marketing trend.”

  • Meghann Craig Forbes Improv Training: The Power of Funny Business June 14, 2019

“The skills performers learn in improv — teamwork, collaboration, listening, communication, and the ability to adapt and problem-solve — can translate to social and professional skills sought after in many workplaces”

  • Juan Siliezar The Harvard Gazette For More Than Just Laughs May 1, 2019

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