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Free Introductory Improv Class

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to improvise but feel unsure about diving in headfirst? We’ve got the perfect way to test the waters: a FREE introductory improv class...

Show Your Game: An Improvised Game Show

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

Ever wonder what secret skills your neighbors are hiding? That quiet person next to you on the bus might be a brain surgeon, a barbeque champion, or the only parent...

Improvised Song and Music Intensive with Ron Hippe

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

This class is an intensive study of Musical Improv that will review classic song forms in a way that relates to improv, and allow participants to learn, practice and perform...

Improv Date Night with Sara McMahon

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

Improv Date Night is an entertaining improv workshop and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon as a couple! Come to Unexpected Productions' Market Theatre in the heart of...

Mime and Physical Improv with Jay Hitt

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

Mimes are able to create full environments and objects using only their skill and imagination. How do they do it? This class will show you. You'll learn the basic skills...

Advanced Storytelling Workshop: Practical and Esoteric

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

“When you write a memory, it isn’t in the past anyway. It’s alive right now.” ― Natalie Goldberg This class is designed for those who have completed the Unexpected Productions...

The Next Generation Gap w/ special guests Carskee

Unexpected Productions 1428 Post Alley at the Gum Wall in Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA, United States

The Next Generation Gap blends comedy and reality as Denny and Carter take audience suggestions on the generational divide between a 20th-century dad and his 21st-century son. Drawing from real-life...